Monday, February 16, 2009

I’m here…again



Ok, So I published a blog about a year ago..and never came back..Oh well…Call it technical difficulties…Call it laziness..Call it life…But hopefully as I try to rededicate (as if I was dedicated in the first place) to a disciplined life, I hope to be more frequent in my blogging. Well, I've heard some news has happened in the past year…The economy is shot, we elected a black president, and the Arizona Cardinals went to the Super Bowl. At least two of those three things I thought would never happen…But who cares about the past? What am I doing now? Well, I'm looking to serve as a minister full time…Anyone looking for a misfit preacher??? I've lost 15 pounds so now I can finally fit into that suit that my wife bought me…(How vain is that? Losing weight just to fit into a suit…) I also have been reading some interesting stuff, listening to great music, and thinking random thoughts that I hope to share with you. Call this my reintroduction to the blogosphere…I'm BAAAACK!!!!! HELLO??? CAN ANYBODY HEAR ME????

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