Wednesday, March 4, 2009

What’s your gift??

The past couple of months I've been leading a men's group in spiritual gifts….Mine turn out to be teaching and helping… My weakest are evangelism and mercy…pretty scary, huh?? It's my ISTP makeup I guess (for those unfamiliar with Myers-Briggs it basically means I'm an uptight introvert). One thing I've taken away is that God has intended ministry to not be a one man show but to me a team effort. God blesses us with different gifts so that we can work together for the good of the body. That means that preachers (most of whom are gifted teachers) can't be the evangelist and the mercy giver and the administrator and the servant and the teacher…well you get the idea..A church works best when it places members in the places where they are most equipped….By the way, what is your gift?

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